"AusbildungsFIT" Austria
January 2014
Over 40 young people with disadvantages or special needs accomplished their Integrated Apprenticeships to become plumbers at the BPI of ÖJAB. The BPI is a vocational training center, run by ÖJAB, and has various facilities in Vienna as well as in Lower Austria.
Training for people with special needs.
Furthermore, the BPI also organized training for disadvantaged young people. These programs are called “Youth at work”, “Active Yes” or “Hot@Job”. The participants received training, job orientation and coaching in order to be integrated into the labor market. In the past two years BPI carried out 20 training courses for a total of 274 participants, mainly PWDs.
“AusbildungsFIT” – Getting ready for education! For young people with special needs ordisabilities.
In January 2014 a pilot project called AusbildungsFit started in Austria. The project was initiated and sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Labor, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection.
The BPI of ÖJAB was chosen as one of the organizations to carry out this pilot project in three cities in Lower Austria. AusbildungsFit is designed as training for the future. The content of this measurement includes: Various training & teaching modules, Coaching, Knowledge Garage and Sports activities. The participants are also trained to improve their behavior in the labor market (e.g. ability to concentrate or punctuality) and their behavior towards other people. The coaches and trainers helped the participants to find the “perfect” job for them.
In a similar measurement 2013 the BPI of ÖJAB trained 63 young people with special needs; 13 of those were successfully integrated into the labor market. We wish all our former participants all the best on their personal and professional paths! Further info in German: www.oejab.at/afit!
AusbildungsFIT: participants at the “knowledge garage“ and art group-projectÖJAB is involved in the ELLA project with the work-packages TRAINEE (please look at ELLANewsletter) and Quality.
"Inclusive Europe"
February 2014
Since Febr. 2013 IB Brandenburg is actively involved in setting up a centre for people with disabilities and their families in Tadzhikistan. The project is funded by the European Programme EuropeAid. In addition, IB Brandenburg in cooperation with the Polish partner and funded by the Aktion Mensch, is developing e centre for people with visual impairment in Tichy/Poland.
In the scope of Erasmus+/Comenius, teachers from IB Brandenburg participated in a further training program in Ireland.
As in the previous years IB Brandenburg, FIZ-Neuenhagen carried out several practical training courses abroad in the framework of the „Inclusive Europe“ project, supported by the LifeLongLearning Programme Leoanardo da Vinci: In January 2014 a group of 10 cooks and waiters travelled to Antalya/Turkey where they were hosted by the Caravan member IBETH.
IBETH also hosted a group of 10 painters and carpenters in Antalya in April 2014. More information about that can be found at: http://dieholzmaler.npage.de.
August – September 2014
In August/September 2014, 10 cooks and waiters went to France for 3 weeks, and inOctober/November, seven construction workers and gardeners worked for four weeks on the ancient olive mill of the Spanish partner Mosaic in Can Oliveras/Catalunya. In addition, all participants completed internships in a garden and home improvement store near Besalú/Catalunya.
Six painters of wood and metal completed a 3-week internship in Espoo/Finland where they were hosted by the Finnish partner Omnia.
Meeting in Germany
September 2014
IB-Behindertenhilfe Hessen and AKIM-Jerusalem's ongoing cooperation was further reinforced when a delegation of AKIM-Jerusalem workers visited Germany between 14-19.9.2014.
We thank our colleagues at IB for their warm hospitality!
Please visit AKIM-Jerusalem's new Internet site at www.akim-jerusalem.org.il.
In the ELLA project, AKIM-Jerusalem is involved with a Training Appartment Programme and a film about a gifted artist, "Beyond Words", the story of Shmuel Nahon, a 74-year-old resident at one of AKIM´s hostels.
"Steptember", Turkey
September 2014
The „Spastic Children´s Foundation of Turkey“ completed one global donation project called Steptember, an International Congress, and an Evaluation Meeting and carries on another Project with İtaly for this year.
“Steptember” is a fundraising program that was applied in order to create a positive impact on the lives of people living with Cerebral Palsy and improve their health. The program aims at raising public awareness about "Cerebral Palsy" all over the world.
This fundraising campaign was initially launched in Australia in 2011 and extended to America, Canada, Britain, and the Netherlands in 2013. In 2014 Turkey joined and implemented the program. "Steptember" is a ready-made staff engagement activity that will improve the health and wellness of the employees, increase morale and have a positive impact on the lives of people with cerebral palsy.
In teams of four, the employees track their daily step count by wearing a pedometer and record their results on the interactive "Steptember" website. Each day participants register their steps and watch as their team virtually climbs the seven highest peaks in the world.
"Steptember" is not just about walking your way to better health – participants can run, cycle, swim or even play lawn bowls to reach their daily step target. There are over forty activities to choose from including activities suitable for people with a disability. Teams are encouraged to fundraise throughout the event using an online fundraising mechanism. This will make a huge difference in the lives of people with cerebral palsy.
"Steptember" is an easy and fun way to raise funds for the Spastic Childrens’ Foundation of Turkey. Out of seventy-two private firms from different sectors that were visited and informed about "Steptember", 27 attended the program, made their teams, and raised funds for the Spastic Children's Foundation of Turkey. A total of 201 teams were formed both from the companies and individuals. "Steptember" will continue every year from now.
In the frame of the European program Civil Society Dialogue Between EU And Turkey – III Political Criteria Grant Scheme, the Spastic Children's Foundation of Turkey is working on a 15-month project in cooperation with the Italian partner CESIE with the title “Creating Educational Programs on Anti- Discrimination on a par with EU Standards”.
The 5 th International “Cerebral Palsy” and Developmental Disorders Congress “Afterme” was held between 20-23 November 2014 in the Metin Sabancı Center/Istanbul.
The Evaluation Meeting 2014 of the “Cerebral Palsy Initiative”, hosted by the SpasticChildrens' Foundation of Turkey - the only board on Cerebral Palsy in the world - was held on the 24th of November 2014.
In the meeting, the process for World Cerebral Palsy Day, which was held on the 1st of October all around the world was discussed and evaluated. The results of the “Steptember 2014” was also discussed in this meeting.
"All inclusive?" Germany
October 2014
On the occasion of its 20th anniversary the IB Brandenburg, FIZ-Neuenhagen, carried out an international Conference from Oct. 9th. - 13th.2013 in Bernau near Berlin with the title „All inclusive? - Theorie and Practice of Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Europe“. Participants from altogether 11 European countries exchanged experiences and opinions concerning the practice of inclusion of people with disabilities and disadvantages in society.
The methods „Open Space“ and „World Café“ was successfully applied and all reports, presentations, and forums were held in Easy Language.
In the scope of the final Forum examples of good and also bad practices with regard to equalization, inclusion, and empowerment of people with disability and disadvantages were exposed, and a common called „Declaration of Bernau 2013“ was prepared, discussed, and passed by the participants.
In addition to the invitation of politicians and other decision-makers, the declaration was addressed in particular to the persons with disabilities - to increase awareness about their rights and the importance of sticking together and claiming them actively.
Two persons participated from each organisation - one with a disability appearing as an expert and one without. We were pleased to note the participants with learning disabilities from Poland and from Lithuania participated in the discussions in English, which is a good indication that the influence of the empowerment movement of people with disabilities increases little by little.
eXproviSing Scotland
Lead and managed by the Polish partner PSOUU, another partner meeting of the inclusive, transgenerational music-project eXproviSing took place in Scotland. The event was hosted by the Scottish partner TRASH ART.
Latvian Movement for Independent Living
Caravan 2000 has a new member in Latvia – the Latvian Movement for Independent
Living, which is already participating in some projects of IB-Behindertenhilfe. During the ELLA Congress in Vienna in November 2015 our Latvian partner will join the Caravan Federation's General Assembly for the first time.
"iWatch" India
The Indian Caravan member "iWatch" continued the following projects in 2014:
digital school education, vocational education, education and skill training, training modules for improving the efficiency of companies, utilization of rain water, and safe and clean water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. and swimming.
Sanitary, disinfection and hygiene, sewerage and wastewater treatment, environment-friendly waste management, and publishing "Transforming India" in English and in 12 Indian languages.
The ELLA Project
October 2014
The evaluation workshop of ELLA took place at the end of October in Kas/Turkey.
The members of the Project-Team, the Quality Assurance Team, the Advisory Committee of ELLA, and participants with disabilities and disadvantages from Serbia, Sweden, Germany, and Turkey met for 3 days, to catch up on the previously executed working packages and exchange experiences about it.
After one year since the inception of ELLA, the activities of the particular partners were examined, the interim and the final results were discussed critically and anticipated problems lead to solutions. Finally, very good results could be stated: 3 working packages were completed successfully. Other members reported in detail about their activities and presented photos and short films about the educational approaches for people with disabilities that they developed until today.
More instruments for evaluation were introduced and the flowcharts of the work packages were checked. Except for the Portuguese partner, who retired from the project for personal and financial reasons, all partners are actively involved with the administration of their work packages in accordance with their predicted timetables.
The common participation in the final concert of the„Social Inclusion Festival“ - also a working package of ELLA - helped all participants - with and without disabilities - to further reinforce their motivation and assemble new energies to administer the next steps of this ambitious project.
For more information, please look at http://www.ella-ella.eu
Social Inclusion, Turkey
October 2014
The goal of the Social Inclusion Festival in Kas/Turkey which took place from Oct. 25Th - 30th 2014 was inclusion via music. About 80 young adults from different European countries came together to undergo 5 days of the ambitious and versatile program with games, sports, and arts and making music together. The events took place in the Dreams Academy in Kas, which belongs to the Turkish partner AYDER. Several workshops provided opportunities to discover and develop new potential capacities.
The exchange of experiences and knowledge was designed as an active and creative process in which everyone was involved. A varied, colorful framework program that included horseback riding, climbing, diving, a boat trip, and more helped everybody to have a lot of fun.
The final highlight of the festival was the concert evening on October 29th – a Turkish national holiday to celebrate the establishment of the Turkish Republic in the year 1923.
The musicians again presented their great talents in front of an audience of more than 1000 people on an open-air stage in the harbor of Kas. Special guests included the Serbian group „The Heart of Sounds“, two German Bands - the group „Saitenwind“ from Baunatal/Hesse and the IB band „Ibees“ and also the Turkish „Social Inclusion Band“, which all earned a lot of applause.
The lead managers of the festival were the two Turkish partners: IBETH and AYDER. Both organizations have a long record of involvement in the fields of youth, education and disability.
The General Assembly of Caravan 2000, Germany
November 2014
The annual General Assembly of Caravan 2000/Germany took place on Nov. 27th, 2014 in Baunatal/Hesse. For the first time, members of the self-help organization People First/Germany participated: www.mensch-zuerst.de and http://peoplefirstltd.com/.
After the progress report was accepted and the board members released the most important topic for discussion was, how the Caravan can remain sustainable in the coming years.
One important aspect of this matter must be to give people with disabilities responsibility, so they can participate equally in the planning, organization, and realization of activities. With this message in mind, the members unanimously voted to give the vacant place on the German board to Mr. Arnd Kunau, a member of the board of "People First/Germany".
In the context of many people with disability seeking membership in the Caravan, the board informed about its decision to reduce the member fee for private persons whose livelihood solely consists of supplementary benefits. If so, they have to pay a fee of 10,- € yearly.
In addition to the ELLA project, the focal points of Caravan 2000/Germany in 2015 will be the international projects with our partners in Serbia, Turkey, and Latvia. Due to the current political situation in Ukraine and in Russia, common activities with our local partner organizations are currently suspended although regular contacts are maintained as before.
Diversity and Understanding, Germany
November 2014
"Day and Night for Diversity and Understanding – 15 Years with Body and Soul for Caravan 2000“. From Nov 26th - 28th 2014, the German Caravan, with the support of the „Aktion Mensch“ foundation, carried out an international cooking and film event, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Caravan 2000. The participants in the event came together to discuss and assure their common goals and to strengthen their solidarity with one another. The project took place in the Meeting House of the German partner Baunataler Diakonie Kassel in Baunatal/Hesse.
Altogether 42 people with and without disabilities participated including members of the Turkish Caravan, IBETH, and „Spastic Children´s Foundation of Turkey“.
After the welcoming of the Hessian Commissioner for people with disabilities, Mrs. Maren Müller- Erichsen -who was the patroness of the running project and is also a member of the German Caravan´s board-, the welcoming of the president of the German Caravan, Mr. Michael Thiele and the state director of Hesse, Mr. Brückmann, a group of participants went to the market-place of Baunatal, to hold a conversation with the people around on the subject of Inclusion.
The conversation was taped and documented on a DVD. Another group worked in the kitchen, preparing an international evening buffet. In the evening the results were presented, and the participants enjoyed the food while they watched and discussed movies, that they had brought along, and exchanged experiences and addresses. The event and the companionship that grew out of it reinforced everyone's commitment to the Caravan, and the participants' energies and lead them to look at the future with optimism.
Diversity and Understanding, Germany
November 2014
"Day and Night for Diversity and Understanding – 15 Years with Body and Soul for Caravan 2000“. From Nov 26th - 28th 2014, the German Caravan, with the support of the „Aktion Mensch“ foundation, carried out an international cooking and film event, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of Caravan 2000. The participants in the event came together to discuss and assure their common goals and to strengthen their solidarity with one another. The project took place in the Meeting House of the German partner Baunataler Diakonie Kassel in Baunatal/Hesse.
Altogether 42 people with and without disabilities participated including members of the Turkish Caravan, IBETH, and „Spastic Children´s Foundation of Turkey“.
After the welcoming of the Hessian Commissioner for people with disabilities, Mrs. Maren Müller- Erichsen -who was the patroness of the running project and is also a member of the German Caravan´s board-, the welcoming of the president of the German Caravan, Mr. Michael Thiele and the state director of Hesse, Mr. Brückmann, a group of participants went to the market-place of Baunatal, to hold a conversation with the people around on the subject of Inclusion.
The conversation was taped and documented on a DVD. Another group worked in the kitchen, preparing an international evening buffet. In the evening the results were presented, and the participants enjoyed the food while they watched and discussed movies, that they had brought along, and exchanged experiences and addresses. The event and the companionship that grew out of it reinforced everyone's commitment to the Caravan, and the participants' energies and lead them to look at the future with optimism.
News from AKIM Jerusalem
January – December 2014
In 2014, 25 volunteers from around the world volunteered at AKIM-Jerusalem. The minimum stay was for three months although most volunteers come for 9-12 months.
Over the last few months, AKIM-Jerusalem has welcomed young – and not so young – volunteers from Mexico, South Africa, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, England, Argentina, Belgium, Colombia, America, Trinidad, Denmark, Faro Isles, Finland, Poland, Kenya and India.
The Foreign volunteers who come to Israel work for 5 days a week either in our hostels, apartments or at the "Tzharon" Extended School day program at the Ben Yehuda School of Special Education.
For more information about volunteering at AKIM-Jerusalem please visit our website: akim-jerusalem.org.il
Contact Foreign Volunteers Coordinator
Miriam Marcus at info@akimjerusalem
call: ++972 073-224-2110
Miles for Smiles 2014
"Miles for Smiles 2014", an annual "walkaton" fundraising event: AKIM-Jerusalem was one of the first charities in Israel to introduce the idea of a sponsored trek as a method of fundraising.
Each participant pays a registration fee which covers close to 3/4 of the costs as well as commits to raising sponsorship from their friends/family/business associates of $1,800.
The route each year is chosen by a voluntary committee walks it before the event in order to ensure that the path is neither too difficult nor too easy.
In 2014, for the 12th consecutive year, 36 trekkers, aged 12-70, from Israel walked for 3 days a total of 85 kilometers in and around the Gilboa mountains in the Galilee region raising funds for AKIM-Jerusalem's clients. The money raised from the 2014 trek was used to finance the following projects:
1. A variety of services in our Family Support Center: The "Tzaharon" Extended School Day, the Batsheva Chai Home Care Program, the Training Apartment, and the Assisted Independence Service.
2. Design and plant a new garden with sitting areas around Beit Rachel Straus - AKIMJerusalem's new Center for Training, Treatment, and Leisure is used by our clients and by people from the local community.
3. Additional hours when staff is needed to stay with our clients during hospitalizations.
The 13th trek is now being prepared and will be held between Tuesday, 10-Thursday, 12 March 2015. We welcome trekkers from around the world to join us for this challenging but fulfilling event.
For more information and photos of past treks please visit our website:http://trek.akim-jerusalem.org.il or contact: Miriam Marcus at mmarcus@akim-jersualem.org.il or call: ++972 073-224-2110.
Opening of Beit Rachel Straus, AKIM-Jerusalem's new Center for Training, Treatment, and Leisure, and our association's international hospitality Center.
Beit Rachel Straus (located next to our three hostels) is a building cited for preservation in the Talpiot neighborhood of Jerusalem. Originally built in 1942, the building is owned by the Jerusalem Municipality, which made it available to AKIM-Jerusalem in 1975 for the purpose of delivering services to people with disabilities.
In the last 18 months, a complete renovation of the building has been undertaken and it is now fully wheelchair accessible with facilities for people with reduced hearing and with blindness.
The building was also refurbished and opened to the public in November 2014, offering a wide range of therapeutic programs for people with disabilities as well as leisure time programs and workshops including drawing, ceramics, yoga, dance, music, theatre, and lectures.
Also planned are a variety of events, folk-dancing, film screenings, and parties for the citizens in the neighborhood. The date for the official opening of Beit Rachel Straus will be announced in the coming weeks.
Contact persons: Efrat Cehani (efrat@akim-jerusalem.org.il) and Stefan Rothschild(stefan.rothschild@gmail.com)