ELPIDA Project Launch

Website: elpida-project.eu

Bianka Winterscheid Tel: 06081 / 44 25 65

Lena Herrenweger Tel: 06171 / 694 75 22

Email: ELPIDA@ib.de

ELPIDA is a two-year project aiming to improve the quality of life of persons with intellectual disability (PWID) by empowering family members and especially parents of PWID and providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills on how better to support the needs of children and young adults with intellectual disability.

Six organizations from five European countries have come together in this project that started at the end of 2017 to produce an e-learning platform for parents with children with intellectual disabilities. The e-platform will contain 6 interactive educational modules aiming at providing training, awareness raising, and/or attitude change and they will be covering areas such as:

  • early intervention,

  • improving communication,

  • abuse awareness,

  • stress management,

  • transition to adulthood,

  • sexuality and

  • aging

The consortium works for a fuller implementation of the rights of people with disabilities by supporting the people primarily responsible for protecting these rights, the parents and guardians by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge in order for them to be competent and confident to provide the right support and empowerment to their children. This will have a direct positive impact on people with intellectual disability and will lead to a better transition to adulthood, social inclusion, and better quality of life in general.

The partners have chosen to take advantage of what the digital world can offer by providing the information material via an e-platform to make it free and accessible to all, at any time and any place. Parents from several European countries will be invited to complete the module(s) of their interest while being offered user support in group meetings as well as online.

STELLA Project Launch

After completing the EU-funded ELLA project with great success, the IB Behindertenhilfe has received further funding from the EU-Programs Erasmus+ for the project:

„STELLA - Staff's European Lifelong Learning Academy“

The project hashtag - #WeAreSTELLA

Visit the STELLA website

ELLA Learning Website

September 2016

The ELLA-Learning website is w work product of the ELLA Project showcasing all the results and methods developed within the project and making the information accessible to clients and social workers and educators.

Visit the ELLA website