Different Sounds – Final Event and book release in Sweden
06 March 2025
The Different Sounds project brought together three organizations from Poland (PSONI, Gdańsk), Sweden (Medis 5 & Sensus, Stockholm), and Germany (IB, Oberursel).
At the final event in Sweden, we presented the results of the project — including releasing an e-book, a concert with SPRAK Orchestra, and the premiere screening of the animated film The Vase, who wanted to sing opera, which you can see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4zosUMiD0s
Also have a look at the e-book produced https://differentsoundsproject.com/
Different Sounds was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme under Action 2: Strategic Partnerships.
Katarina Nord, Medis 5, Sweden

Full house at the IB music workshop Different Sounds
06 March 2025
30 music enthusiasts met in the bistro of the Oberurseler Werkstätten to make music together at the multiplier event at the end of the Different Sounds project. The concerts in June 2024 in Oberursel and Bad Homburg were so well remembered by the audience that the workshop was fully booked in no time. Uwe Nussbaum, project participant and author of German history, briefly explained the project and showed photos of the stops in Gdansk / Poland and Stockholm / Sweden. The project combined music, literature and painting, and the result was a fantastic book (also available as an e-book at https://differentsoundsproject.com/multimedia-book-deutsch/) and an animated film (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2W1CFZ_ZqY ), which was also shown to start the day. With their musical talent, Martina Ständer and Ute Günther brought the various drums, rattles, xylophones and tambourines together so harmoniously within a very short time that a little song was created. The aim of the workshop, to make the project content widely known, was fully achieved. At the end, each participant received a Different Sounds book as a gift, not just as a souvenir, but so that they can act as a multiplier for the project themes of respect and inclusion.
Christine Halas, IB, Germany

The Little Bird’s Big Courage
07 February 2025
Medis 5 shares an inspiring story about the great courage of a little hummingbird. This fable reminds us that even the smallest actions can make a big difference, and by working together, we can overcome the greatest challenges. Read on and be inspired to create change!
Sam tells us more:
There is a big fire in the forest.
There is this little bird who tries to put out the fire.
She takes small drop of water from the river and drops it on the fire.
Over and over again.
The other animals is laughing at her.
"You are to small! That will not help at all!"
But the little kolibri just continues and says:
- I'm doing the best I can, she says.
- She is right, says the elphant and starts to spray water with his trunk.
Yes, she is right, says the pelican and is water bombing the fire.
Soon all the animals is running back and forth between the river and the fire.
After many hours the fire is out
The animals of the forest gathers.
They are very tired,
some a bit wounded.
- At least I didn't turn into a fried chicken, the peacock said watching her smoking feathers.
- Together we are strong
Marita Jonols, Medis 5, Sweden

Enhancing Inclusive Mobility: Insights from the PR.I.M.E. Project
05 February 2025
CARAVAN2000 is an Associated Partner of a project that counts on four members of the network within the partnership.
‘PR.I.M.E. – PRomoting Inclusive Mobility Experiences’ is a KA2 VET project coordinated by social cooperative Kara Bobowski from Italy with other 6 European Partners, from which also ESTIA from Greece, PSPC from Lithuania and PSONI from Poland.
The goal of the project is to increase the quality in mobility experiences for people with intellectual disabilities, by developing tools and the competencies on project staff implementing these projects.
As a first step, the partnership did research within organizations to understand their needs and difficulties when implementing inclusive mobilities for people with intellectual disabilities.
The result is a ‘Needs Analysis Report’ that will be useful to better tailor the other outputs of the project: a handbook with tools and tips on how to manage and implement these specific projects, digital and innovative support tools for the preparation of participants and support their learning process, official documents in easy-to-read and a platform that will collect everything.
We are glad to share the results of the needs analysis with the wide public.
Susana Alves, Cooperativa sociale Kara Bobowski, Italy